...to drive for hours
...to relax
...to bond without interruption
...to enjoy two work-free, carefree days
My favorite play of last year,
and I dare say of my life
by Edmond Rostand

{Brian Vaughn as "Cyrano de Bergerac" and Melinda Pfundstein as "Roxane"}

{Drew Shirley as "Christian de Neuvillette" in the Balcony Scene}

{Brian Vaughn is the crowning jewel of the Utah Shakespearean Festival. His performance was heart-melting, breath-taking and invigorating all at once. That was the first time I have ever cried at the sheer beauty of a character, his language and circumstance. Read it!}
...And then fall semester begins
I am ready for it
Bring it on!
wow, I think you've been on like a million trips this summer. Fun stuff.
ahh Cyrano...I have never seen it but I love it. one can only hope that this year you may chance upon some play that could be its equal...if such an one exists.
as you enjoy your trip to see the Shakespearean Festival remember these words of wisdom:
'if the expression of feeling is refined too much, the feeling itself is lost. The soul is emptied by such vain pastimes, and love dies, smothered under a mass of flowery words that were meant to embellish it.'
Act III Scene VII
have a fun and safe trip.
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