Monday, August 10, 2009

The Bright Side

Have you ever seen that old movie with Hayley Mills called "Pollyanna"?
If not, I highly recommend it.

In this movie an orphaned young lady goes to live with her wealthy aunt in a snobby community. There, she teaches everyone she meets about the "Glad Game", which is basically finding good in the bad things that inevitably come along.

So, in honor of this wonderful movie, and the not-so wonderful day I've had so far, I'd like to give the "Glad Game" a go:

This morning I reluctantly awoke at 6am
But that really is a great time to start a productive day

Then on my way to work I found out that I didn't need to be there till 8am
But I got to chat with Dad in the car

It was cold waiting outside for the doors to be unlocked and I was wearing shorts
But the shorts completed my ensemble so at least I looked good

Then we found that one of the doors had been unlocked the whole time
But we appreciated the warm indoors that much more after waiting outside in the cold breeze

Then when 8 o'clock rolled around, turns out I wasn't scheduled to work today
But that means I had a free morning to fill with other activities of my choosing

I missed the 8:33 bus because I thought it was the 8:43 bus
But at least I'll know for future reference

Then I sat at the bus stop for about an hour
But I got to observe a chubby bumblebee flying between some flowers

When the bus finally came it was one of the older stinky models
But the bus driver said "Good morning" with a smile

The man sitting across from me kept picking his nose
But as I was turning away I caught a glimpse of the beautiful
Salt Lake LDS Temple

...I could go on forever, but I'm feeling much better now! Try it!

{image from}

To every dark room
there is a light switch
waiting to be flicked on.

At one particularly powerful point in the movie, Pollyanna shares this statement with the Reverend of the town,

"When you look for the bad in mankind, expecting to find it, you surely will."
~Abraham Lincoln~

(to put it more enthusiastically)
as my mom always used to sing to me when opening the blinds in my bedroom:

Let the sunshine in
Face it with a grin
Smilers never lose
Frowners never win
So let the sunshine in
Face it with a grin
Open up your heart and
Let the sunshine in


Anonymous said...

Weren't you waiting with your awesome sister, Heather this morning? Did you not find joy in that... :(

Kim said...

This reminds me of Dad's Song-
You've got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, and don't miss with Mr. in-between.
Thanks for posting this, it brightened my day as well.

teamBoo said...

Lindsay, you are a Project Boo finalist!

Voting starts today and ends next spread the word and head over to Team boo.

good luck :)

LoriT said...

Definitely one of my favorite movies.

And Kim's comment about your dad cracks me up! My dad says the same thing. :)

Our Family said...

Linds, thank you for this post. I have ALWAYS admired your beauty, inside and out, and your awesome outlook on life, even through the tougher times! You are truly an inspiration to me!

Thank you for your example! Love you cousin!

Christine Johnson Oldroyd