This is my cousin Elijah, soon to be Elder, when he embarks on a two year mission for the LDS church. It was fun shooting these pictures for him. I tried to make him laugh to get a natural smile, but he ended up making me laugh instead. Thanks Lige, you're awesome!

What a good lookin' kid! Can't believe he's almost ready to go on a mission. Not old enough! Good pictures Lindsay.
these pictures make me look back on my own mission pictures and realize just how bad they were. it didn't help that i had a horrible haircut...
i wish i had photos like these.
they are obviously mission photos so there is not much to be said about them other than the fact that they turned out great.
i'm not sure what kind of pictures missionaries take these days but these ones sure beat the 'studio' ones that i had done.
I think you should put up the sleeping one... it's funny. :)
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