Love At First Sight
I walked into the store this morning
with no real intention of purchasing anything,
just lookin' around...
and there I saw him.
He was perfect,
his eyes drew me to him like
deep . . . dark . . . chocolate
and seemed to pierce my soul with their
u n b l i n k i n g...s t e a d i n e s s .
My heart began to melt into a puddle within me,
My knees buckled weakly
and it seemed for a moment as if I would collapse
completely overwhelmed by a sense of instantaneous devotion
to him
and him alone...
photo credit
And someday, he'll be all mine!
Happy Halloween, Everyone!Partaaay it up and have a fabulous weekend!

You really like those dogs? Really?
Absolutely! It is my favorite kind of little dog. Wook at his witto eyes! My heart....
Cute! Did you take that picture of it?
I want one of those too!!!!
Maybe we can get a bulk discount...
I'm not gonna lie, it's a cute picture of a little dog...but, i have no desire to own one of those. they're fine if you like little dogs, I just like bigger least knee-high.
just one more reason...
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