Jaleny Bean
October 7th 2009,
Is Jalene's birthday!(you may remember her from here or here or here or here)
She is the big 2-2!
Jalene and I have been best friends since our junior year of high school and, as you can see above, we have had some awesome times:- Grocery shopping in prom dresses just for fun
- Dressing up as old people for the Harvest dance
- Buying matching Cookie Monster t-shirts and wearing them to school
- EFY: stepping on snails, performing Jalene's song, eating "delicious" chocolate cake, staying up late talking and dancing...and spiritual education of course
- Chipmunk karaoke hardcore (like an apple core)!!!
- Going to our cute friends' farewells, homecomings, weddings and receptions
- Lots and lots of awesome photo shoots
- Singing duets in choir countless times (and sometimes crying)
- Randomly creating the world's largest collection of inside jokes
The list goes on and on and on and on and on...
Happy Birthday Jaleny Bean!I hope all your birthday wishes come true :)
haha you two are awesome! a worthy tribute...:) loves!
AWWWWWW Thanks Linds!!! I didn't see this until today! You're the bestest! Love you!
sorry that it has been awhile since i've taken the time to commentate. that is a great collection of pictures that i'm sure are accompanied with even better stories and some of the best memories. looks like you gals have had a lot of fun over the years.
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