...and you're invited!

I almost forgot how much I love Autumn.
Everything about this season is spectacular!
The leaves change colors and fall to the ground like confetti in celebration of:
F a l l - B r e a k !
H a l l o w e e n !
M y - B i r t h d a y !
T h a n k s g i v i n g !
P r e - C h r i s t m a s - n e s s !
It's like Mother Nature's Grand Opening of my favorite time of year...

...and I heart it!
*pictures of my n&ns taken several Autumns ago in my front yard
1 comment:
james and ella came over to my house a couple of days ago and asked if they could play in the leaves. they had just taken baths and stopped by on their way up to park city. being the great uncle that i am...i pulled out the leaf blower and created a whirlwind of leaves for them to play in. i loved it. they loved it. but, i'm not quite sure how tami felt about it. those are cute pictures of the n&ms...it looks like they had a lot of fun a couple of years ago. perbe you can play with them in the leaves this year too. it's even more fun that you remember...speaking from experience.
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