
Last Saturday, an amazing man and former member of my bishopric was called home to the care of his Heavenly Father. My heart aches for his wife and family at this tragic loss. I continually have the sweet recollection of lessons that he taught me both through His profound words and loving example. He is now home, with his son and daughter, in the loving and watchful care of our Heavenly Father. I am confident in Heavenly Father's timing and plan for each of us, His children. Death is not the end of a journey, merely a passageway from life to the rest of eternity.
At this passing, I have felt the inclination to step back and evaluate my own life. Our time here on Earth is precious, and yet, what do we do with it? Surely watching "Supernanny" has no direct influence in my progression toward things of eternal significance and value. My fear is not in the brief sting of death, but in the day-by-day construction of life. If Heavenly Father were to call me home tomorrow and ask,
"What did you do with the life that I gave to you," what would I say?
"Well...I read a lot of great blogs for hours on end and I slept in almost everyday till at least 8 am..."
Heaven forbid! I'd like to stand with confidence and proclaim of valuable friendships, loving service, growth of intelligence, raising of righteous family, unashamedly sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and His infinite Atoning sacrifice for each of us. It's almost hilarious to think that I need a reminder to prioritize these things into my daily schedule.
Of course Heavenly Father understands my imperfections, but that does not hide the fact that He expects more of me. Our potential to be like Him is infinite and amazingly overwhelming, but what good is our potential if we don't try. That is the cycle of progression in life: trying, failing, trying again, succeeding, raising the bar . . .
So, it is time again for me to raise the bar. To be better tomorrow than I was today. To regain my footing on the staircase of progression and center my life in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am certainly not perfect, but I know that anything is possible through our Savior. The prophet Ammon said it beautifully when he wrote: Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever. (Alma 26:12)
Heavenly Father loves everyone of us and has blessed us with this abundant and beautiful life.What will you do with yours?

beautiful post, beautiful picture!
our hearts go out to his family as well. dave is good friends with his son, tyler--it's been so sad.
I love this, Linds. Such a good reminder that I always need. Loves.
I'm glad that you wrote this little reminder to yourself, and to all those who read this post. Sadly, we all need little reminders here and there to help us remember the things that are most important...the things of eternal consquence.
In addition to helping us regain our eternal perspective, often time tragedies like this also show us just how fragile this life is, and how important it is for us to take advantage of the time we have been given.
Thanks again for sharing.
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