Did you know that
"101 Dalmatians" and "Peter Pan" are the only two Disney animated movies
with both parents present and alive throughout the movie.
The other day I learned that 0 points in tennis is referred to as "love"
because (ideally) you just play for the love of the game.
Yesterday I was talking on my cellphone and my earrings kept clinking against it.
That was obnoxious...like trying to talk over a really loud wind chime.
Have you ever made pancakes with a turkey baster?
I highly recommend it!
This H1N1 thing really has people freaked out.
Last week when I was sick, I'd cough aloud (into my elbow, of course)
and, the way people looked at me, you'd think I had leprosy.
I don't, by the way...
Speaking of which, did you know that
Armadillos are the only animal besides humans that can get leprosy?
Today, I bought some awesome red lipstick.
It's for my Halloween costume (stay tuned, it's gonna rock),
but I can't help but wonder if I could pull it off in real life...
You know how it is with lipstick,
some people should just avoid the red!
Jiffy, aside from being my favorite brand of peanut butter,
is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
Have you ever noticed how some things are just
not as fun when you "have to" do them?
Like, for me, playing the piano.
I did not like taking lessons growing up so I quit,
(well, technically I got fired) but now I play everyday.
Why don't spelling and grammar matter when you're texting and IMing?
i.e. " wut r u ^ 2 dawg "
Do we have to find the lazy-way-out of every intelligent thing in this world,
I mean really...
In fact, I proof read everything that I write,
Papers, emails, blog posts, messages, texts.
I'll probably fix this post at least 15 times before I leave it alone
(I've published and "unpublished" it about 6 times already).
Have something random to say?
Leave a comment!
Love y'all!
*Some of these random facts learned from these guys.