Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Racing The Sun

Tonight, as I was driving down Victory Road, I beheld one of the most beautiful sunsets I had ever seen. It's times like these I think to myself, "I wish I had my camera." Luckily, this time I actually did! It was my dinky point & shoot mind you, but I'll take what I can get.

First, I attempted to take a picture while driving down the hill, but that's stupidly dangerous, even more so than texting and driving... Don't shoot and drive. So, I entered the freeway and drove like the wind to my favorite sunset-watching-location: The Bountiful Temple.

The sun was setting quickly as I ascended 4th north and my heart sank at the thought of missing it. Then, as I reached the crest of the hill and pulled onto Temple View Drive, there was the beautiful scene waiting patiently, serenely, beautifully for me.

My apologies for the telephone lines.

If this isn't quite satisfying enough for you,
know that I enjoyed it enough for the both of us.


Jessica Leigh said...

I LOVE sunset pictures. A LOT. Thanks, Linds! You make me want to go sort through my sunset pictures . . . I just put one on facebook, maybe I'll put it here too . . . :)

Didn't Heavenly Father make a beautiful world for us? ♥

Carrie said...

I honestly think that Utah has some of THE best sunsets ever!!! So beautiful, Lindsay!!