Sunday, July 11, 2010

My 3rd Eye - Day 46: The Car Wash

Are you as fascinated with car washes as I am?

I thought that would wear off after childhood…

…but I’m secretly glad it hasn’t.


The Rookie said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one. My favorite car wash locale splatters a soap resembling play-doh and smelling of bubble gum. And it does splat--a lovely noise for the car wash experience. It makes me giddy every last time.

Brittney said...

no matter how old i get there is just something about a carwash that makes me smile. I love watching the water and soap on the windows. And, have you ever noticed how some music sounds so much while you are going through a carwash? Next time you go through one put on some music close your eyes, lean back, and just listen. It is awesome.

Megan said...

I love watching my kids during the car wash. They are entranced yet horrified by all the brushes and water!