...that is the question.
right after Halloween?
Well...it is November 15th, so technically it's not right after Halloween anymore...
If you are offended, I apologize for my "contradictory" actions,
cause here I am listening to my holiday playlist on iTunes:
"White Christmas" by Michael Buble
"Little Alter Boy" by The Carpenters
"Winter Song" by Sarah McLachlan
I can't help it!
I tried to tell myself that there was something wrong with "listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving"...I don't know where that came from or who made that up. Personally, I think that ideology is ridiculous. The holidays go by way to fast as it is, might as well stretch them out as long as you can, within reason (let's not celebrate Christmas in July, folks).
Quite honestly, once the desire to listen to the festive melodies of merriment was sparked within me, I succumbed to its magnetic enticements quite quickly.
Have you seen the white fluffy flakes that have been falling?
I had hot chocolate three different times this weekend, people!
It's that time of year.
You know, the
blanket bundling,
fire crackling,
twinkle light adorning,
holiday shopping,
outdoor ice skating,
windshield defrosting,
family gathering,
worldwide loving
time of year.
My heart tends to grow like Mr. Grinch's with every dazzling snowflake,
every cheesy song on the radio, every pair of gloves that I get to rotate,
every ghostly wisp of breath that escapes my lips,
every holiday storybook my n&ns ask me to read
...I just can't help it.
And so, I'm offering this simple phrase to blog readers from 1 to 92...
Although it's been said many times, many ways
Happy Holidays,
(not Christmas yet)
to you!
P.S. This in no way excludes our beloved Thanksgiving. No siree! He shares the same joyful season and thus the same grateful holiday tunes. I love Thanksgiving! I love being with my family! I love making volcanoes in my mashed potatoes and stuffing myself with...well...stuffing! Oh yes, be not mistaken, I love Thanksgiving!
...I think I shall make a pie!

Oh this joyous season! I am forever entwined around it's little finger ...so to speak.
They don't call it "the most wonderful time of the year" just because it's a catchy lyric!
Love it up, lovelies!
I am missing the snow this year. As nice as it is to still be able to go to the beach, there is something I love about actually having a winter and all the cheesy things you talked about.
As for the Christmas music, I keep my Michael W. Smith in my car's cd player year round, and I'm never too far from Carrie's Christmas magic. Does this make me one of those July folks?
Some things:
→ You are so cool.
→ My office building was decorated in Christmas stuff when I walked in, Christmas music playing overhead. It disgusted me.
→ Never fear: you have now ended that disgust.
→ I have a GREAT apple cider recipe that is more to die for than any drink I've ever had. Ever. Ask me about it some time.
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