Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Oh what do you do on Spring Break...

...when all your time is FREE!


. . .

got a little carried away

. . .


Anyway, as I was saying,

If you're having trouble finding ways to spend your free time, try these:

sleep in till 8:30am (at least),

read the Percy Jackson series,

make homemade granola bars (recipe),

go to the mall with Nicole and shop till you drop,

watch Biggest Loser,

attend your nearest LDS Temple,

take lovely naps in the sunlight,

find different ways to style your new haircut (that you're not too fond of),

clean your bedroom thoroughly (no massive spider moms in thar),

take a bubble bath while watching "No Reservations" (or other chick flick),

run a 5k a day out in the gorgeous (unpredictable) weather,

make meals with the Madre while dancing around the kitchen and lip-sinking oldies,





That one's on the "To Do" for the morrow.

Can't wait to shake the dust of this crummy little town (name that movie)

and hike all over

and photograph everything

and swim/hot tub

and get a little tan

and bond con mi familia!

I'll be back on Friday for more fun and relaxation

With lots of fun pictures and stories to share!

Tah tah for now, ol' chaps!

(you can tell I'm in a giddy mood when I whip out the random accents)

Live it up!!!



Allie said...

It's a Wonderful Life. :) Have a fun trip!

The Damsel In Dis Dress said...

Oh man! I love Moab.

tscotriverside said...

I'm obviously behind on my commentating...if i was to comment when I read this post I would have wished you well in Moab and told you to take some great pictures while you were there. I already know that you took amazing pictures, so all that's left is to encourage you to come up with a more masculine list of suggestions 'to do' if Moab is not an option.