Woke up at 6am.
Not So Good: I should've gone to bed earlier last night.
Good: Madre put protein (aka energy) powder in my green smoothie.
Went to my first day of Marathon Training.
Not So Good: Running uphill is not my forte. Definitely the hardest workout of my entire life, which is saying something.
Good: Downhill IS my forte, I completed the hardest workout of my entire life, I didn't finish last AND I'm one giant step closer to my fitness goals.
Went to my Pilates class.
Not So Good: I was all sweaty.
Good: I love Pilates. THE best toning kind of exercise there is in my opinion.
Showered, Got Ready.
Not So Good: I forgot to bring an undershirt for my v-neck tshirt, so I have my hoodie zipped up to my neck.
Good: I'm having a good hair day, which I like to think detracts from the fact that wearing a hoodie this way is not flattering at all.
Went to Dad's office.
Not So Good: There were cupcakes there.
Good: I didn't give in and when I told Dad about my run, he gave me a high five. He's my biggest fitness cheerleader! :)
Now I'm gonna have a nap.
Not So Good: No bed here.
Good: The rocking chair in the corner of Dad's office is the next best thing to a bed.
Chin up, friends
It's all good! ;)